
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The List

A non-trivial global topology for the Universe explained on Physics World

Unsolved Problems in Physics and Astronomy

A student of mine, as a minor side project for fun, is doing a list of unsolved problems in physics - broadly interpreted, and roughly cut into three sub-categories: the obvious major issues, anomalies that may be a hint of something interesting, and whacky speculative stuff.

The draft is now up, it is biased to our immediate interest, and we're soliciting more suggestions. I'm particularly interested in "minor anomalies" in table-top physics, and of course any major issues we left out.

This is not meant to be a definitive list, just something for people to browse and pivot their brains about. It would be fun to single out the next century's breakthrough anomalies, we'll find out the hard way.

E-mail suggestions to Joe, me, or leave them as comments

The final product will contain a link to one or more refereed articles as starters; links to one or more discussion on the web of the issue; and a short low level description of the problem accessible, hopefully, to the educated public.

If you send in feedback, any pointers to refereed (or arXiv) literature, and/or a website discussing it, would be helpful.


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