
Friday, March 10, 2006

DPW - told you so...

DPW solution

"...only 10% of the profit came from the US ports. Quite frankly the US operations suck, and are underproductive, the profit is mostly from Asian ports!

So, solution: it would actually pay for DPW to cut out the US ports and just take over the rest of P&O ports worldwide. It is good business and gets them and their buddies out of a political jam. Win-win? Who could say no?"

Of course the question is who is taking over? A spin-off shell subsidiary, or is it being sold to a US operator?

I still don't see where DPW is planning on making enough money to cover the loan costs. They must be betting on sharply increasing asian trade, with continued low operating costs and high margins.
They could still use some US west coast ports to link with their asian operations.


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