Flu Pre-Pack
Jim MacDonald at Making Light passes along advice
Worth a modest consideration, especially given recent news from Turkey...
Worth a modest consideration, especially given recent news from Turkey...
Speculations on astronomy, astrophysics, news I find interesting,
science and science policy.
In particular: gravitational radiation
sources, black holes, exoplanets and astrobiology.
I will digress into basically whatever I feel like whenever.
And, of course, cats. To say nothing of the dog.
Steinn SigurĂ°sson is an astrophysicist at Penn State.
Needless to say, my opinions are my own and I do not speak for any institution in this capacity
Well hi there! And how is your AAS going? If I may say, you missed a lovely poster Tuesday in the brown dwarf/exoplanet session ;)
- The High School kid in the Marriot Lobby :P
Sadly I spent a total of about 30 minutes at the AAS, basically long enough to get my registration receipt, check some of the student and postdoc stuff was going up ok, and find the person I was meeting (plus the dozen or so who said "hi", mean-free path through the lobby was about 2 meters).
My time in DC was actually spent at an undisclosed location, not very far from NASA HQ, where I was secluded in a small dark room for many hours with a small number of my colleagues.
If you know what I am talking about, then you know what I am talking about.
If you don't, then you'll learn eventually.
Nothing stupid, just constrained by confidentiality.
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