
Friday, October 28, 2005

iPod iChing - what the future holds: the week ahead...

It is friday and we approach the iPod intrepidly and ask it:
oh mighty iPod, who knows all nature, can you tell us what will happen in US and world politics over the next week, 'cause I really want to know.

Whoosh, the randomizer whooshes...

#11 is It's Silly Time - Twin Sisters ("It is not time to be quiet, no not at all..."); #12 is Have a Cigar - Pink Floyd

As always, the Key as explained by Sean

Miss Macbeth

All the children testify...
...Sometimes people are just what they appear to be
With no redemption at all

Now, how does "This Charming Man" go? Something about the bicycle on the hill...?

Oh, my. Well.
I guess I am forgiven for my untimely absence.

The country turns, the children talk, someone is in big trouble. Our Past is Asian lyre and we keep our sword hand free.

If you like the "zodiac" form, then all will be well, eventually as "we ride the gravy train".

Mighty is the iPod. Wise is his High Priest.

Seriously, that is an impeccably delphic prediction. This iPod thing is amazing. I wanna know their randomizer algorithm.


Blogger Adam Solomon said...

I don't know, I think this all flows in well with my iPods-are-evil theory. Maybe the delphic predictions are really Satanic in origin? Anywho, not sure when all the astronomer folks heard about this, but the mainstream media just announced the discovery of Pluto's two new moons--pretty effing cool! So much interesting science going on, very nice...

3:37 PM  

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